Lynn Accongio Soles is a certified Art Therapist and a award-winning artist and art teacher since 1988. She lives in Clayton NC and her work has been featured in galleries and in murals throughout North Carolina and South Carolina before starting Art Positive. Featured in ARTS NOW in Durham, NC, you can YouTube her @ Lynn Accongio Artist to Watch. Lynn has taught National Art Scholars, State Fair Winners, Grass Roots Arts Programs, NC Museum of Art features, and implemented the accreditation of The Art Enrichment Program from Association of Christian Schools Inc. Lynn is an award winning author of "Don't Die Ugly"; a memoir of her first year fighting Colon Cancer. She is married to her Soulmate Chris and enjoys her family and now being a Grammy!
Lynn Soles mentors many young people as an art teacher who have chosen to move on to art careers, sharing her love of art in a nurturing and challenging atmosphere.
As well as owning Art Positive she also owns and operates Permanent Beauty LLC - which offers permanent makeup, paramedical tattooing, and body art. For more information please visit www.permanentbeautync.com. Also learn more about Lynn
at lynnsoles.com
Our Studio is located in Clayton right off of Highway 70.
11618 US 70 Business West, Suite 207
Clayton, NC 27520
Award-Winning Artist. Citizen of the Year Nominee,
Excellence in business 2021 and 2023 and Judge of
the prestigious Stevie Awards